This is a qualitative summary of how the year 2024 unfolded for me. It is based on my goals, achievements, and journal entries composed throughout the year.
Its purpose is to serve me as a reminder and you as inspiration.
See my quantified review for a more quantitative Report
My theme for 2024 was The Sculpting🏺
This year, I embraced the concept of “sculpting” in a metaphorical sense, aiming to create something new by improving what already exists in my life. My goals included enhancing creativity, refining life areas, simplifying processes, and solidifying strengths. While this was intended as my first-ever two-year theme, reflecting on 2024 alone, I’m pleased with the progress made.
I revised several foundational protocols, including my Arcs of Aspiration, core values, mission statement, and life purpose.
I spent almost 200 hours tearing down the house we bought in 2023 right to its core and started slowly rebuilding it (roof, cellar, and kitchen)
I finished my migration from Evernote to Obsidian, transitioned from RescueTime to Timing, simplified my Obsidian daily notes, and created a new daily note structure.
I separated my project management from task management in Todoist and integrated it into Obsidian.
I achieved new personal bests at the gym and discovered sustainable ways to lose weight.
I completed several marriage exercises with my wife to strengthen our relationship.
We actively sculpted (educated, taught, and parented) our son
I wrote most of my first-ever book by repurposing my writings on my blog.
Realized almost all of my crypto wins
I rate myself an 8/10 in fully embracing this yearly theme, as I feel I let it influence my actions. I didn’t learn anything about actual sculpting, but
2024 Goal Success Rates
For 2024, I continued to set quarterly goals rather than yearly ones. I set 10-12 goals per quarter. The achievement rates were 84.6%, 87.6%, 90.9%, and 77.5%, for an annual average of 85.2%. This is amazing compared to last year's success rate of 53.3%. Considering I don’t allow myself to alter any goals once they are set quarterly, this is a clear indicator of my improved goal-setting process.
It is interesting to see that quarterly goals lead to much more nuanced accomplishments than annual goals. However, if I were in retrospect to summarize all my quarterly goals into annual ones, they might have looked something like this:
Tear Down my house to its core and start building it up again (90%)
Raise my net worth by 20.0000€ and reach 100.000€ (100%)
Finish my migration from EN to Obsidian (100%)
Read 30 books (100%)
Complete several online courses, one high-caliber one (100%)
Get deeper into journaling and make it a habit to start and end days with journaling (100%)
Master all the basic barbell exercises (20%)
Hit the gym 100 times (69%)
Lose 5kg (0%)
Take 1 Mio Steps on the WalkingPad (87%)
Spend 100 hours with my friends (70%)
Form A Feel-Good Marriage (80%)
Carve a 2nd revenue stream and earn 2000$ from it (75%)
Release weekly Essays on FP to reach "100 Essays" Milestone (100%)
Write my first book (80%)
Go On 12 Adventures (100%)
Refine My Core Ideals (100%)
Annual Shine Score
In addition to reviewing my goals, I calculate an annual shine score based on a list of actual accomplishments in the seven life realms and compare them to the previous year:
BASE: 9/10 (new)
Realized my crypto gains (20.000€).
Raised my net worth by 50% and crossed 100.000€.
Finished the teardown phase of the house renovation and started the build-up phase (roof, cellar, kitchen).
MIND: 7/10
I read/heard 30 (audio)books.
I started journaling more often (digitally, I built a Topics Du Jour journal and kept it throughout the whole year.).
I completed four online courses (Productivity Field Guide, Obsidian University, Write Original Works, Schreibclan).
I improved my digital toolset (Migration from Evernote to Obsidian and from RescueTime to Timing).
BODY: 7/10 (+1)
Maintained weight and lost body fat for most of the year (unfortunately, plummeted back up towards the end).
I got myself a WalkingPad and averaged 8919 steps per day (3rd best year since 2015).
I set new PRs in 3x8 reps in the gym in Barbell Exercises (Squad 100kg, Bench 90kg).
SOUL: 8/10 (-1)
We improved our marriage a lot by doing marriage exercises, daily bids and kisses and more date nights.
We managed to wean Jago.
I spent a lot of time and bonded more with Jago, and he now accepts me more and more.
I spent a lot of time with friends and family.
HANDS: 9/10 (+1)
I reached my 100-published essays milestone.
I have now over 1500 subscribers to my content (400 on FP and 1100 on Ubermind).
I wrote almost weekly essays on Fractal Productivity.
SPIRIT: 8/10 (-1)
I visited one new country (The Netherlands).
I traveled a lot and visited El Nido, Hanoi, Sapa, NihnBihn, Hue, Chiang Mai, Black Forest, The Netherlands, as well as Ruhrgebiet (Düsseldorf, Essen, and Dortmund).
I watched a lot of movies and series and went to the cinema a few times.
Stayed in a top-floor suite in a 5-star hotel.
VOICE: 7/10 (-1)
I resculpted several of my core protocols (Arcs of Aspiration, Life Areas, Core Values, Mission Statement, Life Purpose (Message & Voice)).
Did a nice "Mid-Year Retreat" with two friends in Black Forest.
Achieved most of my goals and over 90% of my Q3 goals.
This makes an overall annual shine score of 55/70 (78%), the same as last year’s.
Progress on my Arcs of Aspiration
In 2024, I crossed off 14 items from my arcs of aspiration (vs. 10 in the two preceding years)
Reach a 1000-Day Streak on Readwise
Do a Barbell Squad with 100kg (3x8 reps)
Devise my very own productivity system
Compose & publish 100 essays online
Make 80.000 € in one year
Earn 20.000€ with crypto
Build a passive income of 100€/month
Raise my net worth to 100.000€
Complete a “30-day NoFap” challenge (2nd time, did this before in 2016)
Visit The Netherlands (as part of “visit a new country every year”)
Visit Düsseldorf (as part of my “visit the largest cities in Germany”)
Visit Essen (as part of my “visit the largest cities in Germany”)
Visit Dortmund (as part of my “visit the largest cities in Germany”)
Join Steve Pavlina’s Conscious Growth Club
Here is how everything unfolded for me…
January ‘24
*My year starts on the Philippines and with an incredible highlight. On our second boat trip we went to the "Hidden Beach" in El Nido. And we had lunch there (all with Jago). After the Philippines we went on to Vietnam — we were lucky to get in without Visa but unlucky that our flight got cancelled and we were stuck at the airport for 6 hours (with Jago). We spent a few days in Hanoi (best Hotel Breakfast ever, we liked the Temple of Literature but got scammed on the Train Café), then split up. I vagabonded Sapa, Nihn Bihn and Hue for 2 weeks on my own. In Sapa the liked the hike through the rice fields, the party evenings and conversations in the sapa homestay and my scooter drives (although I crashed and I hurt myself a little). In Nihn Bihn I also explore the area with the scooter and hiked up the lying dragon mountain which was great. I Hue I explored an abandoned water park, the citadell and had a really good Full Body + Hot Stone Massage (one of the best massages I ever had). I took a motorbike trip from Hue to Da Nang along the famous Wan Pass, but it rained all day long and it was no great experience. I spent my last night in Vietnam in a 5 Start Hotel King Suite. Then reunited with Chia and Jago on 26th. Along all of this, I got a lot of writing done (I released 4 FP posts and pepared 4 more). I created a Moving Target Board, as a new way to handle longer term goals and devised my ACE Framework. I also finished reviewing the past year and set Q1 goals for 2024. All in all, another great month.
February ‘24
February was a packed month. I started “sculpting” according to my theme. I had 3 remaining weeks of parental leave. One of those weeks I was sick (all of us, actually), one week we worked on the house, the last week was spent on various things. The highlights were that I managed to get back to work with ease, lost 1kg of body weight, managed to revise my core values and made good progress on the house and my Q1 goals. Challenges were mostly related to Jago. He got 2-3 teeth and was sick with very high fever two times. In general, however, the month was great just like January. It had a little bit of everything. I achieved 47/60 points (78%), one of my highest shine scores ever. And it did not even take into account the house rennovation efforts, which I only started scoring later in the year. I also spent most of the month in NoFap which for the first 2 weeks had surprisingly little impact, then however led to more sex and me being horning.
March ‘24
March was a varied month. I continued sculpting my body and my PKM system with my migration from Evernote to Obsidian now finally finished. Jago's first bday arrives, his doctor appointments and toothing made the month mostly revolve around him. At work I spent all time implementing a new licensing subscription model and deepened my knowledge of several frameworks I hadn’t worked with before. My overall shine score was 46/60, only one point below February which I still mostly spent in parental leave. Which is great. My life realm wheel looks rather balanced right now which is superb. My lost weight from February when I was sick returned and I managed to hit the gym 10 times and complete 3 long distance walks.
April ‘24
April 2024 was a great month for the books. My Sculpting Theme started to get to fruition. I teared down and built up molecules in the house. I finished carving down bits with Evernote and truly felt things coming together in Obsidian. My processes got smoother. I also gained the confidence for bigger moldings in 2024. I determined to start a new attempt at an engineering blog. I joined several high-caliber online courses. I also reached some minor successes with sculpting my physiological vessle.
May ‘24
April was great. But May was a phenomenal month. I felt like I was teleported back in time to my time as a student, free from almost all burdend and free to explore to my hearts desire. This is because at work I wasn’t fully exhausted. So I took my leftover energy and invested it elsewhere: FP, where I created an about page, secrete recommendation pages, an atlas and an index. I got several new subscribers and some of them paid. I also joined the Writing Original Works workshop and finally also took the leap with Conscious Growth Club. I was sick for 4 days (2nd time this year) but that also helped me gain new perspectives and best of all an immense energy boost when coming back to caffeine. This lastet about a week. Now I'm almost back to normal. Above that I lost 1kg, sculpted my Arcs of Aspiration into new form and received my new work MacBook. I couldn't hope much more from a month. Of course, nothing is perfect as shown in the selected picture of the month (I cut the cable while mowing the lawn).
June ‘24
June was a turbulent month. Many different things took place. A lot of appliances broke down coincidentally. One of the biggest was that we finished the teardown of our house by untangling the roof. So, all required tear-down work is now done, and in Q3, we can finally start building up again. In the last week of June, we tried moving Jago to his own room, which is a challenge and still not complete. I finally decided to get a walking pad even though I hadn't reached my weight goals. In fact, after reaching a record low of 98,9kg I quickly slipped back to over 100kg
July ‘24
July of 2024 was another incredible month of successes, finishing touches, and thinking big. It all started with the mid-year retreat in the Black Forest which infused me with new energy and it then brought about a first ever lifetimes sub to FP, a first weight loss success through personal science, a finished roof for the house. And Jago finally started to walk at 16.5 months of age. My dentist appointments came finally to an end. I had a nice BBQ with two of my best friends - the marriage is starting to get better again through "bids&kisses". Challening where that Chia found and decided to take on a mini job where she works 2h every morning and I take care of Jago. This bites right out of prime time. And we got Covid since my mum brought it back from her cruise to Norway. 3rd sickness in 2024. Overall, however, this may have been the best month since personal record keeping.
August ‘24
August of 2024 was yet another incredible month of wrap-ups, cleanups, and explorations. The main highlight was definitely the last week where we where on Texel, Netherlands. First, for Swift Island, then for the extended weekend (cycling, sheep part, boat toor to seals). Two other big things where that I achieved my 100 essays published milestone and that things with Chia further improved (bids&kisses, the marriage book, the vacay,… all helped). We late-celebrated our anniversary, went to my brothers bday party, I wrote a lot and went to see two movies in the cinema with friends. Jago became a lot harder again to take care of. He easily gets angry when things don't go his way and he always wants to walk around. Overall, however, another superb month in the books. 2 awesome ones in a row!
September ‘24
September of 2024 was, as so often, a getting back into routine kind of month after the big summer vacation in August and early September. The first week I spent on the house (now the outside rennovation is almost fully done). I felt that spending so much time with Jago made him accept me more; now, most of the time, he is comfortable with me (except when he should go to bed). We met with friends, parents, grandma, .. We did some last hikes with the new Deuter Kraxe. On the negative side, my weight went back up to 100k since the vacation disrupted routines and my experiments. So had to stop stumbling and get back into it. Then there was the Cupra accident (not my fault, but work still) and Chia's mom fell and broke her hips... so she's in the hospital again. Overall, however, I continue on the rather high satisfactory life level with shine cores of well over 80%! Apparently I spent a lot less time in Obsidian and more time in Arc, which also shows that I am slowly shifting back from a production cycle to a consumption cycle.
October ‘24
October 2024 was a truly interesting month. For one, there were many highlights such as that we finally managed to wean Jago and that now he sleeps a lot better. Then there was my Europapark Day with Chia which was also awesome. I set a new bench press record in the gym, Ivan Blatter signed up for a year of FP, the scaffolding at the house was finally removed, and we saw the "new" house for real for the first time. The book project is also fun, and how I approach it seems to work. I also discovered a few new exciting TV series, most of all From, which reminds me a lot of Lost. The challenges were, as always, the dieting. While the late evening home office and early to bed for reading strategy works it is tough for me to stay below 2000 calories. And if I stop tracking or don't care for a day or two, I immediately jump back a or 2kg up. I also rather spontaneously did a salvia testosterone test and it came back showing me I have a low level! The Cupra still hasn't been repaired. Overall, however, this was quite a lovable month. Very interesting and eventful indeed! Chia is now even open to talk about a second child...
November ‘24
November went by fast. I continued with my tight schedules of writing, coding, and reading (to some extent). I consider Part 1 of the book fully drafted now structure-wise at least. We had many social events (bday of uncle (60), Chia (30) and Mama (62), meetings with friends) and there were a few smaller wins: reached 1000 day Readwise streak, the Cupra got fixed finally, the crypo market made me some good money, and Chia finished her mini job which means a less tight schedule for the final month of the year. Unfortunately, Jago's skin rash still didn't get better and due to the many social events my weight went up to new heights.... I have hope that some of it is muscle as I have reached my first fitness goal for the quarter: 3x 8 reps with 100kg at Squad. But the mirror says otherwise.
December ‘24
December was a very relationship-focused and Jago-centric month. We had, again, numerous meetings with friends. I watched my old movies with my gang, Jago had his first Santa Clause encounter at my cousin's place, on Christmas we spent two days with family, and much more. And we ended the year with a big family trip through Düsseldorf, Essen, and Dortmund (from right after Christmas through new years eve). Still, I managed to bring the book into a good place, and I managed to further progress in the gym. Also, I feel like my Swift development spirit has now finally been rekindled and I'm excited to dive deeper in again after the book project. Unfortunately, I gained 2kg and 1,5% body fat according to my scale, a sudden after over a year at 100kg. We had more mold in the living room and Jago needs to be operated on his testicles in January after all. Also, the rash in his face won't go and got even worse. Overall, this was a representative end for the year. We started and ended the year with travel. We did a lot with friends. We worked a lot on our marriage and I worked a lot on my body to not much avail....
Going forward…
Annual Theme Setting
As a yearly theme for 2025, I already knew it would be The Sculpting, Part 2 🏺. I wanted to continue with what I aimed for in 2024 and finish big projects (house renovation, publishing my first book, finalizing my productivity setup for the years to come, ….).
Annual Goal Setting
I will continue to work in a quarterly cadence and from my moving target board, which you find on my NOW page.
All in all, 2024 was another great year. I rate it again as an 8 out of 10 as I accomplished a lot, got the best goal-setting scores, and achieved several milestones. I sculpted a lot, with the least success in the body areas. It was the fourth year in a row that I failed to improve my body composition. At least I didn’t gain any more weight, but I am determined to press even harder in 2025, reintroducing HIIT and some strict dietary protocols. I will exercise even more often, bring my wife on board, and try to revamp our diet to fewer animal products. The sculpting continues in many areas, but the main focus must be my body.